Self-Publishing Services series.

Psychological Disorder Principal Reason Why Bullies Exists

PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER PRINCIPAL REASON why a person becomes a bully, is our Self-Publishing Services topic for today.

Behavioral Scientists, Medical Doctors and Mental Health Professionals, are one in diagnosing that the principal reason why a person becomes a bully is because he is suffering from some kind of psychological disorder – to a certain degree.

Experts rationalize, that if they are not suffering from a degree of psychological disorder, they would not resort to being bullies.

What is Psychological Disorder?

Claudia Cardinale who grew up in small Italian village was reportedly bullied a s a child because she was an ugly duckling, see her in her prime during the 60′ and 70’s era

Psychological/psychiatric disorder, mental disorder and mental illness according to Mental Health Professionals are clinical term used to define/describe an individual exhibiting a deviant behavior, or outside the norm of acceptable behavior, or disturbances in patterns of thoughts and behaviors in relation to their inability to cope with life’s demands, routines, and established mores. Mental illness is also a direct result of excessive stress due to a particular severe situation or series of events.

What exactly is a disorder? What can be considered a deviant behavior outside the acceptable norm of civilize society? What can be considered normal and abnormal? Can a person adding catsup to their ice cream sundae be considered deviant behavior or abnormal? Can the eccentric behaviors of persons considered gifted or geniuses be considered abnormal? As Einstein once said: only a thin line separate genius and insanity.

What is the difference between mental illness and insanity?

Dr. Mark Dombeck, Ph.D. said: if there is a difference at all, it is one of scope. Mental Illness is broader. Insanity is reserved for severe conditions forms of mental disorders.

Not a Medical Doctor or Mental health Professional below are links, for further understanding of what constitute a mental disorder and what is the difference between mental illness vis a vis insanity.

Relationship of Mental Illness and Bullies.

Since mental disorders are severe conditions that affect your feeling, mood, behavior, and your way of thinking which will seriously affect your ability to relate to others and function as an individual. So what drive’s persons suffering from psychological disorder to resort being a bully?

So why do some people bully?

  • Stress and Trauma.

Believe it or not according to Ditch the Label Study, bullies have experienced more stressful and traumatic situations than normal – meaning not bullies. Having an alcoholic father who beat them every time their father is drunk. Which is every day. Split-up of their parents. Have a dysfunctional family – instead of nurturing their children to grow-up as a productive and decent individual who contributes to the improvement of the community. Instead resort to the child’s disruptive and prohibitive development.   Experiencing a harrowing and life-threatening event – being mugged or becoming a victim of a hold-up. Some individual react differently to different situations. Some people – those who are emotionally strong and receiving so much love at home – manage and remain unscarred. Others resort to negative behaviors, resorting to violent acts as a form of defense, belligerency and bullying. Persons who becomes bullies resort to bullying as a form of revenge or getting back to people who subject them to experience a traumatic and stressful situation. Often the target of revenge by bullies are innocent victims.

  • Violent and Aggressive behavior learned from childhood based on mythical image of a man. Macho Personality. Boys from childhood were taught early in life not to cry or show emotion. That real mean should fight back or take revenge from any slight receive from other boys. Macho image also means showing aggression and terrorizing other boys to inflate their ego, and boost their self-confidence. Macho image also give the wrong impression that all problems can be solve by violence. John Wayne syndrome. Like the ugliest president of the never-developing country in the Pacific, who strongly believe that killing people will solve the drug problem and spark the economy.
  • Lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem.

 Bullies boost their confidence and inflate their ego by bullying people who cannot fight back. It is there only way of showing that they are better than others. But bullies are really cowards who won’t stand up or fight people who are tougher than them.

  • Loneliness.

 Believe it or not according to mental health professionals bullies are lonely people. They are looking for steady relationship. They joined gangs and fraternities to have a sense of belonging. They become bullies to prove to their gang that they deserve to be a lifelong member because of their toughness. Bullies also wants to impress girls by showing how tough they are. Because they are incapable of impressing girls with their brains and talents. What bullies really want is to belong and to feel loved because they are not getting enough love at home. Jesus, Mary and Joseph Virginia! I get clobbered by bullies because all they want is to find love and find a place where they belong and feel wanted.

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